Our son was diagnosed 3 years ago. He recently was hospitilized with stomach pains. After eating a soft foods diet with no improvement, we took him to the er with pain. He was admitted. All his labs came back normal, endo and colonoscopy looked "prestine" and he had no indiaction that this was a Chron's Flare. GI even said that if he did not know that he had Chron's then he never would have known from his labs and tests.
After a week we came home. Diagnosis: viral infection
Past 3 nights, only at bedtime our son complains of stomach pain. We do believe that his pain is real, but not sure how much is maybe some anxiety turned into pain.
I want to help him, but it gets hard when he is playing with his friends and running around, and come bedtime it hurts.
Anyone with ideas we are open. it is 1:23 AM and I just got him to sleep. I do not want to reinforce negative attention yet I do not want to ignore him either.
Thanks so much.