Hi, I am also new to this forum but I would like to share my experience in the hopes that it might help someone else struggling with Crohn's of the duodenum.
-No family history of Crohn's or UC
-15 years old, scoped and treated for stomach ulcers, doctors thought maybe I had high anxiety
-23 years old, became very ill, could not keep any food down, very painful, lived on pedialite and baby rice cereal, hair started to fall out due to lack of nutrution
-23 years old (5 months later), scoped again, blood test, and finally diagnosed with Crohn's disease of the duodenum. Doctor said it is very hard to diagnose since it is so rare.
-23-25 years old, struggled with flaring disease, very painful, medication: prenisone 10-60mg/day, azathiaprine 100 mg/day, dexilant. I was still in school at this point and working almost FT hours, so stress was causing the constant flares.
Now at 26 years old, I am doing very well with azathiaprine 100 mg/day and dexilant. I know that I cannot eat certain vegetables (cooked or raw); carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, white onions. I am also careful to listen to my body so I do not eat too much raw fruit and vegetable, but I still eat them. I have found that I tolerate any fruit/vegetable if it is juiced (raw, no pulp).
If I flare; I have found that if I catch the flare-up early enough (before any vomiting) and treat with prednisone (usually 40mg), I recover quickly and I am able to function the next day. Also, if I treat soon enough, I am able to do a fast ween off the prednisone (less than two weeks). If I wait too long to treat, I am usually vomiting and in intense pain for 3-4 days and it takes months in order to get off the prednisone without flaring right backup. (please note that I have only flared once in the past year and it was right after I switched jobs - stress again)
My doctor wants to up the azathioprine to prevent even the occasional flare to prevent surgery. I have concerns for my liver with the higher dose so he ordered a test to see how my liver is functioning and if I am in the medicine "sweet spot" for my disease.
I hope this helps anyone struggling to gain control of their disease. I would love to chat with another person who has it in their duodenum.