i started back to work as a part time afternoon daycare teacher. i would come in at 2 and relieve the regular teacher and stay until 6 in the evening. nost of the kids would be winding down from their day. they would watch movies,i would take them outside or to the gym for awhile or do a craft with them,read a story,play music,etc. if i needed to go to the bathroom, the teacher next door would
open the partition between the rooms so she could watch them while i was gone. after a few months, the school asked me about
being a substitute teacher during the daytime too. that was in a private school. now both my kids are in public high school and i still substitute(credentials are 1 year of college or 1 year of daycare experience or recommendation from high school principal, though, i think it's changed a little since i first started). with the public schools system here, i can choose what days i'm available,what hours(half day morning or afternoon),half day or full day and when the computer calls and i don't feel like working that day,i either don't answer or i will turn down the job using the sick day code or previous appointment. at this moment, i've put myself on the inactive list until i after i have surgery for a hernia. but check with the local school system on substitute credentials. being able to work when i can and choose not to when i'm sick is ideal being a crohnnie.