You're ill and you don't know what to do or what is coming next. You have no idea whether or not your doctor is going to sort things out or not.
No much wonder you are depressed and anxious ! I don't think you're crazy (you stopped listening to your doctor didn't you - call me a cynic, but that sounds to me like a valid coping mechanism
) but let's face it, what psychiatrists really do is teach us how to cope with otherwise intolerable mental or emotional burdens.
Yes, you can vent here, but sometimes there is really no alternative as good as talking to someone face to face and getting things expressed in detail. So, maybe that was a good idea, regardless of which other therapies you end up with. (I'll freely admit, all psychiatrists did for me was listen and prescribe antidepressants - but they helped enormously, just when I couldn't manage by myself.)
Keep on seeing the little things that are good in life, like that Mardi Gras house, and childrens laughter.
Let us know how you are getting on....remember, we are here for you.