Hi Roids, I have had an anal fistula removed in 2007. It was a few months unitl I said to my GP that there was a problem down there. After I went to the hospital the GI had a look and booked me in straight away for surgery. The hole was left as an
open wound and everything was successful. I had the wound packed with gauze every day which was painful and bathed in a salt bath a few times a day. In a few weeks it healed very well. My sister has also had a fistula removed but I'm not sure how that went though I was so young at the time.
Sounds like you need another GI. I was on sulfalazine and found I was allergic to that so they prescribed me with mesasal, I take 8 a day.
I have noticed alot of people on here are in the States and have remicade? I have read up on it since. Maybe you could ask your Specialist about Mesasal apparently it is the same as Asacol.