Posted 3/18/2009 10:31 AM (GMT 0)
My 5 year old daughter has been complaining of her tummy hurting almost immediately after she has finished eating at every meal for over about a month now. At first, her doctor thought it was because she had allergies to begin with, coughing constantly and developed ear infection. The doctor said once that was completely gone, her tummy ache should go away. We returned back to the doctor on Monday for an ear infection follow up to make sure it has been healed completely, but my daughter still complains that her tummy has been hurting. She has no other symptoms of dirrehea or vomiting. She may have vomited once to two times in the whole month. I've been watching her constantly because for one thing my husband's mom had stomach problems, always having dirrehea, and really never had a healthy life before she passed away. Also, when my daughter was younger, there were times she would throw up on certain food which seems to cause her to throw up such as french fries. We had to avoid letting her have food in high fat, and there were certain food in restaurants that seem to cause her to throw up. We took her to the doctor for it, but he put her on medication for it, and that seemed to help, but my mom believes that my daughter has "inherited" stomach problems from my husband's mom - however we still have no proof. I talked to a friend of mine who has a degree in pharmacy, and she said it was possible for my daughter to have Crohn's disease. When we were at the doctor's office on Monday, he checked her tummy area to pinpoint where the pain might be. It seem to be in the lower tummy area, and the doctor thought she had an inflammation. The doctor said for me to give my daughter Zantac, 75 mg, 2 times a day. I started the first medication last night one hour before dinner per instructions, and her tummy really hurt a lot after she ate she was almost in tears, and I can't help but wonder if she might have Crohn's disease considering her history in the past with occasional vomiting most likely from high fat food. My friend has suggested that I write everything down that my daughter eats. She is pretty good eater, but she didn't eat all of her food at dinner last night. My daughter says she is going to the bathroom okay - no real issue with bm or urinating. She doesn't drink milk, though she loves cheese though. Other than that, my friend suggested to wait and see what happens today and tomorrow to see if the medication helps my daughter or not, and if it does not, for me to take her to see a gastrointestinal doctor. Is there anything else we might try before calling the doctor? Or does this sound like a possible case of Crohn's disease. I am just at a loss what to do for my daughter.