I am a 24 year old who's been living w/Crohn's since 1994. My disease has been managable until my third trimester of pregnancy over 2 years ago. I started experiencing intense abdominal pains and ended up having a resection about
a month and a half after giving birth. I had 4 fistulas and an abscess, resulting in an ileocecotomy. This was May 2007, and I have not been "myself" since. I lost a lot of weight, and have not been able to get back to my pre-surgery, pre-pregnancy weight. I am 5'7" and about
112 lbs., but my ideal "normal" weight is about
122 lbs. I may gain a couple of pounds and then have a bad day with a lot of restroom-runs, and lose those couple of pounds. I have been through just about
every type of medications there are out there with the exception of clinical studies.
There are many things medical doc's fail to explain to patients (they just don't spend the time to really know you and inform you). I found a great doc, but he doesn't listen like he should. I've been on Humira since November 2008, with no real change in my symptoms. First of all, I started seeing an herbalist/PA who started me on a diet similar to the SCD diet along w/various herbs/supplements, and it's been somewhat helpful. Well, he informed me that since I had my ileum and part of my secum removed, that I no longer have an ileocecal valve (I didn't even know what that was!) and that this valve plays a very important part of the function of your bowels. So, although my GI just assumes I'm in a flare when I'm not doing 100%, I attribute it to this problem, or the possibility of having IBS AND Crohn's... anyone have these issues? Also, I have extreme low back pain and muscle and joint pain in my legs. My symptoms always get worse when I'm on my period... ugh, like it's not bad enough! And I have been dealing w/anxiety & depression since the surgery almost 2 yrs ago. I started Zoloft approx. 2 months ago, and felt much better (another link to IBS) but a few weeks later, started becoming more depressed. I guess I need to adjust my dosage. My husband and I would like to have another child, but I cannot seem to get my symptoms in check and gain some weight, so I don't even know if it's possible. This makes me feel hopeless, thus increasing my depression symptoms. :( It's wierd, because I will have one day where I feel really good, and I don't go to the RR once, then the next day I may go once or twice, then the next I go like 4-5 times!! This seems very different than a "flare". That's why I'm wondering about IBS, etc.
I would appreciate any and all advice or words of encouragement. Thanks, and I'm glad to have found this outlet!