So I was in the ER last night with MAJOR pains... They could not keep th pain under control so they were going to admit me...
I was glad that they were going to keep me because I knew I could not deal with the pain home, alone...
Anyway, like 2 hours later I was still in the ER and they said that the Internist at the hospital (who never even bothered to come see me) refused to admit me.
So I had to go home... My friend that brought me in had already gone home for the night... So at 4 A.M. I didnt have a ride home... So they suggested I take a cab!!!! Keep in mind the pain was STILL not under control and I was in too much pain to put up a fight.
Okay so my question is.... If I am in THAT much pain, do I have ANY right to make them keep me until I have it under control?
What should I do if this happens again? I am feeling better today.. still somewhat sore though.... But I am just so angry that I had to leave the hospital in just as much pain that I arrived in.
What do I do next time?
(PS I DO have insurance)