Thanks everyone for all of your advice, sorry for my delay incoming back to you, I have been having computer problems.
I spoke again to my partner who I could tell felt guilty for upsetting me. He thinks he understands because he has UC, he also is hard of hearing and wears hearing aids and has skin problems. But for him his UC comes in flares and he can go years without hardly any problems. So although he partly understands I think he also forgets how bad he feels when things are bad.
I notice that some of you mentioned flares and then periods of remmision. My consultant says how I am now is as good as it will get for me, I never fully go into remission. I still go to the loo 6-8 times per day (on a good day) have some pain and lots of tiredness. This is despite infliximab, ranitidine and asacol.
I think I just need to be firmer and say no and mean it. when I dont want to do something. I often try to do things just so I dont let anyone down, when really Im not well enough to cope. To be fair overall I do a pretty good job with my life. I work full time, eat out, go to the gym. Heh no wonder Im tired!
Also I am due to start CBT therapy in June, have been waiting since last August (but that is the NHS for you). It will hopefully help me when I am feel crap. The therapist said she will teach me how to cope. I have about 3 bad days per week at the moment and get very depressed.
So wish me luck on my holiday that I am at least able to do some sight seeing. And hey is I cant at least I will come back witha good tan from all that lazing around on the sunbed