Hi, This is Shawn's wife, Kathy, writing. Shawn asked me to post an update after his resection today. Everything went really well. The doctor said there was a lot less scar tissue than he expected after the other surgeries so he was very pleased with that. Anesthesia took a while to wear off, but aside from that he's doing really well! They are figuring 5 days in the hospital, and then he'll be able to come home!
Lets see, some specifics, his main incision was stapled closed so he no longer has a "valley" down his abdomen, and of course, he's thrilled not to be an "ostomate" (I think that's what he called himself!!!) He's on dilaudid for pain meds (can give himself a boost every 8 min.) and he's taking it probably every 8 minutes. He gets sharp pains sporatically that shoot his pain level to probably an 8. He really seems to be in more pain after this surgery than after the resections he had done, either that or he's less drugged than he was last time!!
Anyway, that's the update, may be more than he wanted shared, but hey, he's not here and I am! I'll try to post another updated in a couple days to let you all know how he's doing.
Thank you all for the support you have given him. It's been a huge help for him emotionally, you all know what he's going through and are giving him the support and encouragement that I can't give, not known first hand what he's going through, so from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU!