Well, after 5 days in the hospital on IV steroids followed by a 40mg methylpred dose/taper (equivalent to 50mg prednisone) my sed rate is still 78. (I'm at 20mg methylpred now = 25 pred) The hospital and highest dose of steroids was 3 weeks ago, so I think my sed rate should have had time to lower more than that. I wish I knew what it was while I was in the hospital. I'm going to call the doc on Tuesday, after the holiday and see if they ran a ESR there for comparison.
Anyway, all of this while on my 5th dose (2nd maintenance dose) of Cimzia. I suppose that means I'm failing another TNF. If that's the case, I'll more than likely have to do the temporary ostomy. The Prochymal trial (open label) now cancelled and the only left, if I do indeed fail Cimzia, is steroids. I already have osteoporosis and can't keep up the oral steroids.
Rolling with the punches, but it sure gets frustrating...
Thanks for listening.