Persson G, Hellers G, Ahlbom A. Use of oral moist snuff and inflammatory bowel disease. Int ] Epidemiol 1993; 22: 1101-3
...A Swedish study suggests that use of oral moist snuff increases the risk of both Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis, unlike smoking which increases the risk of Crohn's disease but ameliorates ulcerative colitis.
(This is not the one I was thinking of but it does have some linkage.)
But I think as a guy you would be much more concerned about that nicotine caused poor blood circulation and certain adult activities (not saying this is a problem right now, but most guys I know would aviod ED like the black plague). I am sorry if this is offensive (I do not mean it to be), but out of concern for your health and happiness I hope that you will find the strength to overcome this addiction.
If you do not believe that nicotine (chronic use) causes poor circulation then you have not been paying attention for about the past 30 years. (ask any doctor if chronic nicotine use can cause poor blood circulation)
Check out also Buerger’s Disease.
There are smokers paradoxes, but this situation is not one of them.
I do believe that nicotine use can be just as addictive as cocaine, so please think about Mayo's programs to help you quit (since you are there anyway) if you really meant what you said.
Sorry just one little caveat, you have been thru alot and at Mayo you are seeing alot really serious illnesses. How many more signs do you need to have in order to take better care of yourself?