ivy6 said...
I think it depends on a number of factors, including how long you've been sick and for how long you've used steroids in the past.
X 2
I do it all the time. My current g.i. even puts in my medical records that I do my own thing with prednisone.... which is not good...(I don't blame him, he can't exactly put that it is a good thing, even if I were a doctor, which I am not, it still would not be a good thing in many people's eyes...)
If you run low, it's not too hard to find a doctor willing to give it to you, or an ER doc.
I just for one, am not one, to recommend that anyone suffer, while waiting around for whatever reason. If you need pred. and you have experience with using it, mainly tapering it down, you should be fine. You may, and you may not upset your doctor. I have had some get really ticked off at me for raising my pred, but at worst they can just fire me as a patient.
Take Care