I am very interested in this as I have been on a liquid food diet since having an abscess and have found my crohns is fine tho I have definately put on weight so my body is absorbing the nutrition. Mine isnt modulen tho, its called enteral food and it comes in different flavours. Its best to keep it in the fridge as it tastes better cold and sipping it slowly is a good idea.
I have seen research showing that these liquid foods are as effective as prednisilone for dealing with a flare up of crohns and without the nasty side effects. My only worry is that it does contain sugar and I am concerned about getting candida which is linked to leaky gut?
I am gradually introducing food like mashed potato, sweet potato, liquidised vegetables, tofu, fish, fruit puree and so far its ok and if theres a problem I go back to the liquid food. I am tolerating it fairly well been doing it 3 months now, but sometimes you get despeerate for something to chew or crunch! But its worth it compared to a flare up of crohns.
Can someone tell me where you get the modulen? I am based in UK - is it something you can get from a chemist? Thanks for introducing this topic I wish doctors would consider this before prescribing steroids.