Hi, everyone... I'm really glad I find this site and I'm also super scared. My mother has Crohn's disease and has had surgeries and other problems related from Crohn's. Recently my nephew was also diognosised with the same after being hospitalized for rectal bleeding. I've been having some issues and I'm beginning to really worry...
I'm 17 weeks pregnant. I had a previous molar pregnancy about a year ago, I'm not sure if it is relevent, but the loss has made me a little anxious in this pregnancy.
I've always had problems with constipation for as long as I can remember. I can go a week or more without a BM. Sometimes I'll get bad pains on the lower right side when I try to have a BM, other times I won't. No real history of diarrea, besides stomach bugs and the like. However lately I've been having a lot of problems. I'm sorry if this is TMI, but I don't know what else to do...
about 9 weeks ago I was having some minor bleeding with BM with no stool. I thought it was hemroids and mentioned it to my OBGYN, who didn't seem concerned. In the following weeks I began to experience lower right hand stomach pains/cramps and the bleeding became markably worse. I also began to pass mucuos and what looked like white stringy tissue. As I've only seen it in the toilet, I can't say for sure, but that's what it looks like. It began as just really small amounts, but as the days passed it was more and more and several times a day. My bottom is sore from wiping so much...
I went back to my OBGYN and she referred me to a GI. I'm still waiting for my appointment which is next week. On Tuesday I began having sever stomach pains and the urgent need to use the restroom, but I still could not pass any stool, just the blood stuff. By this point it had been several weeks since I passed any actual stool. And I was beginning to feel nauseated and bloated. I went from drinking 120 oz a day to forcing down 40 oz. i started feeling like a snow globe swishing around. On top of that I could barely force any food down my throat without feeling stuffed. It felt like I had eaten a seven course meal after only a few bites of food.
I went to the ER and they told me I needed an adominal x-ray to rule out a blockage. I was really scared for the baby, but they said if I had a blockage it could rupture and I could die along with the baby. So I allowed them to do the x-ray... There is no blockage but he said there is A LOT of stool in there. So he prescribed my prednisone and zofran.
I'm experiencing cramps after I eat and the need to go to the bathroom immediately. I passes some stool yesterday, but none since, just more blood. I'm tired and cranky and my body aches everywhere. Sometimes it just hurts to get out of bed, I feel so stiff and achy. I try to keep a bathroom near by at all times, and I won't eat before I leave the house or when I leave work for fear I won't be able to hold a BM.... the stomach pains come and go, but are especially painful when having a BM and the nausea is sever at nighttime while in bed. I also occassionaly feel burning under my right rib.
The doctor at the ER said they can't do a colonoscopy because I'm pregnant. They said all they can do is assume I have Crohn's and start treatment. I can't wait to see the GI, but I'm still scared for me and the baby. Does this sound like Crohn's? Any advice/help would be greatly appreciated. I'm so lost and scared and I don't know what to do!