I do not want to take my medication anymore. I am tired of it. I most of the time feel worse on it. I am tired of having bald spots on my head. I have such a bad constant cough. My bones hurting so much that moving is not an option that I want to do and pass out from the pain of moving if I push it too hard like walking more then a half mile without resting. My skin (and other body tissues) varing between extrodinary dry and having H.S. (which scars my skin with what looks like old acne scars, after they leak puss and blood for a couple weeks and just generally hurt). So tired I sleep most hours out of the day.
I seriously wonder if my docs are missing something. Was I misdiagonsied or they have not caught something else that is wrong? Granted I am on a lot of suppliments (b-12,folic, d) and stuff for malnutrion.
My GI is really not understanding the quality of life issues I am having.