ok, im J
for the last 3 months i have bin having a flair and taking no meds for it. why? because i diddnt know i had crohns until a few days ago. i am 23, manage a health food store, thought it was a parasite, and put off the colonoscopy.
i feel like death most of the time, the pain is wicked (but you know that). i have lost 30-35 lbs (im at just under 100 now), the cysts in my mouth make it hard to eat.
my Q's:
1. what can i do to help gain weight? protein drinks?
2. i understand that were all different but is there any "safe" foods during flairs?
3. i am starting asacol (3 morn / 3 night) also he gave me a script
for a immune suppressant $790 co-pay! is it normal to start off on a immune suppressant?
4. mouth cysts, any advice to help?
sorry if there are answers out there for this,