O.k.....deffinatley a grinder. Interesting subject.
My best friend became a hygentist. She had to do these classes for TMJ and she used me as a genuine pig. I've been a teeth grinder my whole life. My teeth fit together like a puzzle:) I think it's hereditary because my mom was a grinder but, deffinatley notice a difference when stressed. I do it during the day too....I catch myself. Anyway, I went through a different series of therapy for it. This is one of the exercises:
1. Try to think of wear your grinding clenching the most. (Example: one of them for me was in the car driving from place to place ...picking kids off dropping them off to sports, appts, etc.) whew...
2. Then I bought some bright colored stickers. I put them wherever I thought I did the most grinding...like on the steering wheel, or on the microwave, getting dinner ready was stressful sometimes) ...I know I sound like a basket case..but it helped remind me not to grind/clench during these times...It really works! I think life is stressful and we all have too much on our plate. Just try to slow down and make some simple changes.
However, there are times I wear my bite splint in the days. There are also times I think when I'starting to flare my joints just go nuts! Jaw being one of them. I have gotten lock-jaw from it though, so I was willing to try a few other options. I was a thumb sucker when I was little. I've always wondered if this had something to do with grinding? I'm not sure.
Good luck!