Hello, I know I cannot keep regular contact with this forum, but I have to tell you about
my new symptoms. For the last month or so, I have had lots of blood in my stool, now its red, but its embedded right inside my stool, from the beginning to the end of it, I have had hemmorhoids for years, and they have been inflamed this is totally different.
My bowel movements, are lose and clumpy, at the same time, and I usually go about 5- 15 times a day, Yes I am drinking plenty of fluids, and yesterday, I had clumps of bright white stuff in my stool.
I really am sick of being sick, and they still dont know whats wrong with me, the most recent newest symptom would be a skin rash, kind of like hives, and I have not eaten anything different.
I'm still waiting to hear from the gi, to see when my appointment will be, I really hope I dont have to wait another 6 months for this one, ugh
Apparently I should have a scope down the throat done and have a biopsy done, to see what the problem is, No doctor has ever ordered one of these, except for the last doc I saw in emerg, who really seemed to care.
The contractions have not stopped, the distention is still there, especially when I eat the smallest amount, the weakness is still there, and I am still losing weight :( , and my stool is very foul smelling ugh!
I really am beginning to think, that I should wait until Im on my death bed, before they will actually do something extensive and find out what is wrong with me, this is really really depressing, it sucks.
Anyways, thought I would give you guys all an update on how I was doing, and that I am not getting any better:( I really wish they could find out what is wrong with me, I feel like I am wasting away, and there is nothing that can be done........
I also should mention that I had a rather serious surgery when i was 2 weeks old, I was born with a fistula between my wind pipe and my trachea, and they had to graph the hole, I almost died for sure, I dropped a considerable amount of weight in two weeks, and they almost lost me, because I could not keep any food down at all, Im wondering if this might have some after affects, now that I am older, not sure, just thought I would throw it out there....
thanks again, everyone, for your eyes and input!
take care all