Because this forum has always been so helpful and knowlegeable about
things, I was wondering if anyone has experience in CT scan/radiology terminology. I have spoken to the doctor about
it, but I was wondering if you guys could just tell me in plain English what some of this means.
"There is diffuse dialation of the small bowel and colon. There is gas and stool throughout colon." (i thought that part is normal)
"There is minimal gas in the right retroperitonem extending along the posterior abdomin wall of uncertain etoligy. Correlate with history of intervention or injury."
Do you guys know what this is? Thank you in advance!
Oh... and to anyone out there who has has preforations in their colon... do you have surgery for that? Do things like that get worse if not treated and what causes that? Sorry off topic, but i had to ask that. Thank you again!