Thank you for your replys...i appreciate it..this is a very dark time for me..i have felt like i am worthless and what good am I...i have felt like i am different from everyone else and even ashamed of what is wrong with me..i cry just about
everyday...and it seems that at home their is a lack of understanding...i am calling the doctor tomorrow..i am nervous to remove it myself even though the surgeon i talked to today said it is loose and not sutured to the rectum..but i remember my surgeon saying it was...and if he did that..and thats wrong..maybe thats the problem..eight years my fistula drained on its own..sure i had it
opened twice surgically..and on the office many times..i never once was given any medication that should help other than Imuran...which i took for many years..i stopped taking it because i got infections for ..months...and lymph node infections and i had a cancer scare...and my hair really started to fall out..and i took Flagyl but stopped for the problems it caused me..such as horrible feeling of painful joints and 7 times a all those years i took only Pentasa..or Asacol...occasionally Prednisone...and i think because i left the stayed
open..because it couldn't Crohns story is different then Crohns is my peri-rectal disease- my intestines being my colon and the illeum is my colitis..i had the "spastic colon" problem...but this suture is too much for me..its ruining my life..i am in too much pain to go anywhere...i don't work anymore..i never finished school...i am a stay at home mom of two..and being stuck in the bathroom when the baby is wet and crying for food...for something that has happened lately..i don't know why i can't control my doesn't make me..but i understand the whole antibiotic thing...i just wish i could go back to the way things were..can't i just opt of incision and drainage when i have an abscess each time? Because my seton is not a string..its not small..its not "only uncomfortable" like my surgeon fact...he told me he wouldn't have to cut me..and then he cut me five inches starting from the rectum going up...nothing is as i thought it would be...on top of that...i can't live a normal relationship with my husband..they told me this type of seton stays in for only 6 weeks..but i am up to almost two and i can barely handle it..every time i move..i feel it...and mine is loose so it moves alot and i have pain..
I don't have a choice..there is no one to help me clean, take care of the kids, do the laundry, cook, balance the checkbook, take out the trash,check the mail, run the errands, go grocery shopping, pack the lunches, and so husband is at work..and i do all of these things...its my job..because i am the one who is at home...i want to have fun with my six year old..i want to be able to leave the house..she didn't ask for this...i am glad to hear that some out there couldn't deal...i can't even put guaze..that is too painful...this is crazy...