Catasmom - Yes, my child does take probiotics during a flare, and always. I give one VSL#3, one Culturelle, and a probiotic from called a 6-Strain that many claim to have had good results with for IBD. I try to give them about
30 mins. before a meal, or at bedtime. (Also, remember if your child is ever taking ANTI biotics, do not give the probiotics at the same time or the "anti's" will kill them off immediately.)
All of this probiotic purchasing can get expensive to say the least, so I am excited to be pulling my very first batch of homemade yogurt out of the fridge for her tonight. I hope she eats it! A homemade (not store bought) yogurt has trillions of beneficial probiotics compared to the amount (billions or millions) found in probiotic capsules. So, the yogurt is SO much cheaper and better for her. Wish me luck! If you do decide to venture back into the yogurt making arena, you may want to reference the "correct" SCD way to make the yogurt for maximum beneficial bacteria by reading thru the website
I also just purchased some Ensure for my daughter today. It's not bad if it's very very cold, says she. I'm thinking that perhaps giving her gut a rest for a bit by giving more liquid and yogurt type nutrition rather than "food" may get her out of this flare... Gonna try it starting this weekend and see if she will comply. I buy the Ensure Plus, which has added calories for adding or maintaining weight.
Here's hoping that both of our daughter's are in remission soon! Please keep posting. I'm interested to hear what you decide to pursue and have success with.