it's a poor day when you don't learn something...
over the years since I was first diagnosed I've developed my own diet plan...hit and miss, trial and error...
mostly aided by not only writing down what I ate...but what it made me feel like... I read this thread and find out that what I've actually done is develop a "low residue diet" of my own...who knew?
and that right there is why forums like this one are so important!
I still drink coffee and eat chocolate tho...course my crohn's has been good for a long time...probably as a result of the low residue...LoL
I consider myself one of the lucky ones here...when I feel really good..I cheat on my diet...and then pay for it...but if I'm careful...I'm lucky...
I think the biggest thing to remember is that while each of us has been diagnosed with the same disease...our physiology is different and that requires paying attention to what we are doing...keeping on with the things that work and stopping the things that don't.