FallColors said...
I am so sorry for the pain you are suffering! I had my first abscess darined in the ER and it was the worst pain EVER. Doyou have pain meds??? Call the surgeon now and tell him what you are experiencing. Insist on talking to him, his assistant, or the surgeon on call. You may need to go to the ER. Tuesday is a long way off. Don't worry about calling after hours. You are paying them for this! And he will want to know if you are suffering, so please call him.
My doctor said he drains abscesses in his office for non-CD folks, but not CD people. He wants to take CD people in the OR and really examine them so he can see all that is going on. With our disease processes -- inflammation and ulcerations -- he said he just needs to do a thorough exam.
Please let us know how you are doing!
Where was your abscess exactly? Were you screaming in the ER when they drained it? What kind of anaesthesia did they give you? Were you feeling better right away after the drainage?
Man, this thing hurts. I do not have insurance. So, I go to the free clinics and wait times there are really, really bad: 4 hours for a clinic visit, 15 hours to be admitted to the ER, 31 hours to be taken into the hospital.
I will demand that they give me some anaesthesia that knocks me out though if they did not get it.