Thanks to all for your responses. I have been on and off pred for the last 12 years. My doctor inceased my dosage to 60 mg. for 10 days in order to control/minimize dieherra/stabalize condition until my new meds (Humira) take effect. The pred. caused my blood sugar to elevate; therefore for the time being I have to treat my conditon as if I am a true diebetic. I will be tapered off after soon. I am going into my 5th week on the Humira, I am gradually see some effects. I have learned that it can take up to 4 weeks or longer to take an effect. I am still doing a lot of praying and following my doctors orders.
age 54 diagnosed at 41 stayed in remission for seven years on sulfazaline in 2005 my body stop responding to this medicain, I started on remicaid, this was effective for 2.5 years. I started Humira 5 weeks ago this week.