Despite being in remission I seem to be living at the docs at the moment!! Had a bloodtest and wound check after 3 excisional biopsies of suspect melanoma on friday today and while I was there they offered me a swine flu jab appointment for the weekend.
Apparently the side-effects are a bit stronger than the normal flu vaccine (which I've had every year for the last 7 years without a problem) including possibly an upset tum and fever. The nurse I saw had the jab from the same batch yesterday (they only got in 400 vaccines so I'm pretty fortunate to be offered it) and said all she's got is a dead arm, obviously they have to warn you of side-effects but I'm just wondering how many people actually got them when they had it?
So have any of you had had the swine flu vaccine yet and did you have any side effects? If so how long did they last and were you able to carry on as normal or did you have to have a couple of days downtime?
I'm definitely going to get the vaccine regardless, the risks of swine flu itself are just not worth it (my personal opinion obviously). My mum knows of a lad with Crohn's who got swine flu and had to stop his meds til he was over it and flared nastily and was poorly for quite a while with both Crohn's and the swine (can you imagine! poor guy) - it took me ages to get into remission and 8 months in I'm not about to ruin it! I just want to know what I'm letting myself in for!