Posted 11/26/2009 2:31 AM (GMT 0)
After reading your post (s), I feel that adding ANOTHER medicaiton to your regimen may not even be necessary. If you only experience the symptoms prior to a bm, then my guess is it is all in your stomach and a brain chemistry med might not be the answer. I read, a while back, a book on natural healing. In it stated that most moods come from our guts. (butterflies)
When I am feeling that I will need to "go" soon, I too get that anxiety feeling, bad butterflies, and I do take antianxiety/depressent meds (Lexapro). I was a huge worry wort and had severe social anxiety even before any Crohn's symptoms began. Most people don't know the drug resume of their friends, but on a forum like this you get very acquainted with what people take. If it were me, I wouldn't add another med if I weren't suffering 24/7.
Hope this helps and hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Keep us all posted.