Oh, no, not the dreaded typos terror again ! Diesel really drive me round the bend - a roundabout
route to be sure, but verging on the ridicilickliculous...
Do you
really (if I may be so bold) want to make me start punning again ?
Somebody said...
Habs, maybe a Volswagon Wabbit
OK Sniper, so I have a small tiny, wee, miniscule, infinitesmal, little, smidgeon of a 4x4. Just because it was made by Tonka, and the dog sits with her tongue drooling down my neck as I drive...no need to wabbit it in.
If truth be known VV, I am not only legal to drive on the highway, I am doing off road driving too.
Keep death off the roads - show me a farm gate...
) Over hill and craggy fastness, through mountain burns and moorland bogs...and that is just fetching the paper in the morning.
Well, maybe I exaggerate a little.
Most of my offroad driving is on the verges as I try to unwrap sweeties.