Well over the weekend? Saturday I tried(some VEGAN FOOD)We ate a sandwich that had zuccini, onions, green pepper and fita cheese. All roasted in oven and soughrdough bread and extra virgin oil to cook with. Half way thru the sandwich I felt like it wasnt agreeing with me. about
1/2 hr later my stomach hurt so bad. By the end of the night I took a phenegran and hydrocodone.
The next morning felt semi-ok, drank a little decaf coffee, later on took 1/2 a phenegran. So as I was so stupid. I made a beet,carrot and apple smoothie. Drank about 1/2 a cup. By that afternoon I had severe bowel cramps and went to the bathroom like I had intestinal flu if you know what I mean. That was sunday.
By monday a.m. had another bout in the bathroom and was sick at work all day today and ate crackers and water. Over a 2 day period I managed to loose 3 more pounds, so now Im down to 105pds.
I cant believe I got so sick off of natural stuff. I have my endoscopy thursday. I swear if they say Sorry cant find nothin. I dont know if I can take it again. I am getting so depressed. I cant even stand to look at myself in the mirror. Im so angry and irritable, I feel like I cant think straight or my words are hard to think of? I dont know if thats from lack of food?? or what and it's not good when I work for a doctor and Im screwing up.
Even the girls at work bought me extra small scrubs and the pants are hanging off of me. I guess Im just losing it. OK> IM sorry for the pity trip. Any help or advice? I do think I need to try the SCD diet.