I was just diagnosed with CD in November. Instead of go on drugs right away, I used the disease as a motivation to change my diet first. I feel fortunate that I didn't give myself any choice, which has given me the determination to stick with it so far. I always needed, before the diagnosis, my coffee in the morning and oftentimes needed a bite of sweets at night. I didn't eat a lot of junk, but did like certain starchy foods. I first started with Jordin Rubin's diet in "Restoring Your Digestive Health." Now, I am on the SCD. As to how I'm doing:
I feel pretty good. My constipation has finally cleared up (I've never had the CD diareaha that most people seem to have). I don't even think twice about not having a brownie or something like that when I bake them for my family. The ONLY cheating I did was take a small taste of the cheesecake I made for Christmas (basically, I licked the spoon). I make a bit pot of chicken soup, and have that constantly in my fridge. I eat that at least once a day (lots of good veggies and natural anti-inflammatory things in there). I also eat a lot of yogurt and berries, but I don't eat enough veggies and meat. I am still in the exploratory phase, where I'm adding new foods and seeing how my stomach handles it. Too much gas=not good for my system. I have virtually no pain, minimal gas, and NO diareaha. I don't know what difference it might make on my insides, but outside it is making me feel great! Also, my skin is the best it's ever been (family has commented on that :).
I'm no gourmet chef, but I found the recipes in the SCD diet easier to do than in Rubin's books.
I have a family member with terrible IBS. He knows some of his triggers, but still partakes at times. He hates the way it makes him feel, but he can't seem to not eat them. He loves the determination I have, and wishes he had it. But, he's not sick enough of his symptoms to change, yet.
For me? I only gave myself this one shot. I figured if I can't fix my diet, I'll always be a slave to the drugs (that's how my brain needed to think of it). I didn't want that. I'm only 35, with two kids ages 6 and 7. I want to be HEALTHY for me, and for them. When they are grown, then my body can fall apart. But not right now. So, I am on the restricted diet, and following it very well, and will reevaluate drug intake in another few months, and see if drugs and my new diet will be my long-term care plan.
Sorry to ramble, but I hope this helps!