Hi Trains03. My daughter is 9 and was diagnosed with Crohn's last year. Terrible, this disease. Bad enough when it hits adults, but when it hits kids we have the additional concerns about
stunted growth and pyschological impact throughout their younger years. Angers me, actually. Why my child? Why yours? Ah well, I find it's best not to complain and feel sorry for myself (her) but to read, learn, try things (safely) and forge ahead by finding the best way to deal with it. Not that we've found that best way yet, my daughter has gone from 75 lbs (last year), down to 54 (when sick), back up to 75 (on prednisone last spring), and now back down to 61 with continuing symptoms. Her 2nd colonoscopy is scheduled for Jan. 27th. Wish us luck. Hoping it hasn't spread out of the terminal ileum. Her current med regime of pentasa and entecort are not doing the trick. She also takes lots of probiotics, omegas, calcium, forvia (see forvia.com if you haven't heard of it), and vit D3. Anytime you want to talk, I'm here often. Bless you and your son.