Was just reminded of the state I was in this time last year - my weight had plummeted to 7 stone making me a bony UK size 4 - I couldn't sit normally because my bum bones would dig in and get uncomfortable, I could walk about
20 minutes before weakness overcame me, I was permanently on the verge of fainting, I kept nappy sacks in my room to throw up in as I just didn't have the energy to go down the stairs to the bathroom every time I needed to be sick, I was taking 120mg doses of codeine to try and control the diarrhoea but even that didn't do it, any meal I had was soon thrown up, the stomach pains and need for the toilet or to vomit would wake me in the night.
Because the first dose of infliximab they gave me didn't get the flare under control part of me thought that was it, and I was never going to get better. Fortunately one more dose and changing my methotrexate tablets to injections seemed to do job. I just can't believe how far I've come in a year! I've put most of the weight back on and can now sit comfortably, I can walk for hours, swim, exercise, go out with my friends until the small hours, I'm able to go to lectures.....I feel like a completely different person and am so happy that in a few weeks I'll have been in remission for a year! My record remission is 3 years and I'm aiming to beat it!
One of the things that really made everything easier was all the support I got here, nothing could top it and I can't thank you enough, I really hope that everyone gets a chance to feel as good as I do now this post is a bit cheesey I know but like I said I got reminded of how poorly I was and am just in a very grateful and happy mood! lol!