There really is little excuse for the Pill Camera to get stuck anymore. Except in rare cases or when the doctor or facility is too cheap to provide the Agile Patency Capsule first. This is a pill the size of the PC but dissolvable. It has a small rod in it as well as being made of a dissolvable substance that is apparent on xray.
You go in early one morning and swallow the APC. You return at 24-26 hours for an abdominal xray. If the APC is revealed on xray you are NOT a candidate for the PC. If it is not apparent, it has passed and you are a good candidate for the PC.
There is considerably less radiation exposure from the xray for the APC than the exposure for the CT enterography.
There is the caveat that if your disease is active, inflammation could cause swelling that could narrow a strictured area enough between the timing of the APC and the PCE that the PCE could get stuck. But that would be unusual. Generally the PCE is administered the morning after the clearing APC xray.
Understand that the APC and PC are pretty good size honkers! But not that much larger than a good size calcium tablet and at least the APC and PC have a "slippery" coating instead of the dry packed powder of the calcium tablets. My APC got stuck so I wasn't able to do the PC, but I didn't have that much trouble getting the APC down. It did take a full glass of water to get it all the way down tho.
The "barium" that you swallow for a CT Enterography is a much lighter substance than the barium for the Small Bowel Follow Thru and much easier to get down, not as "chalky" and w/some pineapple flavoring. I told them the banana flavor was virtually guaranteed to come right back up. I don't even like the smell of bananas much less have to drink a banana flavored anything. And the CTE is much more revealing than the SBFT somewhat offsetting the additional radiation of CTE vs SBFT xray.