Wow! Thanks for your posting....I have felt so alone and like I'm going crazy the last couple of weeks....
I have been on Humira for over 3 years. Three weeks ago, I had my injections and six hours later I began having heart palpatations and a very high resting heart rate. The next day went to my primary doctor and had an EKG. She sent me to a Cardiologist just to make sure that this wasn't some type of reaction to the Humira. I had an echocardiogram and stress treadmill test. My overall heart function was fine. The doctors all feel that this was attributed to an anxiety attack, not caused by Humira. Over the past three weeks my symptoms are still present, sometimes worse than other times. I missed my Humira last week...I was just to afraid to take it. I am trying some relaxing cd's, but I am still struggling.
Even though I am not thrilled about taking Humira, I feel like I am an old pro since I have been on it so long. So I can't really say that I "worked" myself up prior to taking it. I do have some other stress happening in my life right now (who doesn't??). So I am hopeful that this anxiety challenge has nothing to do with Humira, because I have no choice but to be brave and have my injections this weekend...I am begining to flare up.
Take good care of yourself and I hope you feel better soon! :)