sorry roni, I meant 8-10 glasses, 12oz. cut back on my imuran and that helps, dr appt. urine test no kidney stones but maybe she said cat scan if still contiue's. if my gi says up your imuran? next week I go in for ssdi permanate disability, I'm 59 burnt out on work and diarreah issues and gas cramping, just can't deal with it anymore, working in a situation where free access to br is an issue . my one dr. agrees now I see my gi next week and then appt. with social security, already hired law firm to handle appeal, got all my records from 1970. very sad to read, I was 20 and for a year totally disabaled, 3 major surgeries. another one in 1989, resection. 2005 went to work in casino for $ and ins. for myself and family, and slowly went down hill. all the anger from gambler's and their negativity went right to my stomach. now I'm sick as hell an on pred. and imuran, first pentasa, then entocort, now sucks. sorry to vent, i feel sorry for my family