So is fiber a good thing for one with Crohn's...or a major no-no? My daughter is sticking pretty closely to a low fiber/low res diet. She does better on it than not or so it seems. But then I keep reading about
how important fiber is to your overall health, and a close friend of mine with pretty severe colitis is now in remission since she started taking Benefiber. So then I think..okay, I'll add Benefiber to my child's diet. And THEN, I see a morning program where a woman is promoting fiber (even saying its good to prevent flares of diverticulitus...and IBD!) but in the next breath she's saying it promotes weight loss which is the LAST thing I want since my daughter is rail thin at this point and can't seem to gain an ounce (let alone maintain her weight.) So...what to do. Fiber good, or Fiber evil? Anyone care to weigh in here? (no pun intended of course.)