I agree that you need to be able to trust your doctor. I did not trust my initial GI because of his inital decisions that I followed blindly, which led to more trouble. I wish I would have stopped at that point to ask a second opinion, at the least. I currently trust the Naturopath I am seeing. Why? Because he is one of the best in the large metropolitan area I live in, teaches at one of only 4 accredited naturopath schools in the nation, and
he himself has Crohn's. I looked hard at even what he was suggesting, before agreeing to give it a shot. I hear what the veteran members are saying, and I
totally respect your experiences and opinions. Thank you for all of the input.
Oh, and my first GI that diagnosed me? He has since asked me who my Naturopath is and has set up a meeting with him. He is now intersted in alternative/natural/complimentary medicine to add to his traditional western meds that he gives. There's hope yet!!!