I was recently diagnosed with Crohn's and was on prednasone for about
three months during the process. My hair was falling out in clumps and I finally just shaved it off in January and have been wearing a wig since. I am not on the pred anymore and my hair is growing back SLOWLY. It is very thin and looks bad so I still wear the wig. I have started taking vitamins for hair growth. I really would like to not wear my wig for my college graduation in June. My mom also has an auto immune disorder and has been on pred for five years. Her hair is really thin.
I noticed some facial hair on my cheeks back in January but luckily it seems to have gone away now. My doctor said the hair loss is definitely from the pred and warned me that it may grow back in differently. I used to have light brown curly hair but it looks darker now, hard to tell. I just want it to be thick again! Does anyone know if it will not be curly or how long it will take to grow normal? I have been of the pred for almost four months now :P
*I started a new post for you since you posted to a really old post, and this way you will get more attention*