Man, I've been living my life med free for the past 12 years.
I thought I was doing good.
I knew what my normal was and it never occurred to me that my normal might be considered a bad quality of life.
Things went bad and I got abscesses and fistulas and now, after a long battle with the HMO, I've just done my second infusion of Remicade.
I'm having solid BMs!
I'm having a BM only once a day!
It's silly, but I feel like my bowels are just super mellow, almost as if they are enjoying copious amounts of Mary Jane and are simply too lazy to get going!
My fistula is still draining, but less often, so I suppose it's simply a matter of time before it goes on its merry way.
I don't know about you guys, but I think it took Remicade and this difference in the quality and quantity of my BMs to get me to actually see how poorly I've been living these past 12 years during my so called 'remission'.
I don't think I believe in remission anymore. I don't think others should either. It's a false sense of security, which people, myself included, use to justify abstaining from their meds.
There's no question to this post.
I'm just hoping someone out there reading this, who is either considering going off their meds or feels too 'good' to be on medication, will listen to my story and learn from it.
Besides, we need good news on this forum every once in awhile.
I encourage each of you to post something positive, so that the lurkers will realize that it's not all surgeries and side effects here on HW - Crohn's.
Salve, amici!