Thanks for all the replies.
I'm just frustrated, mostly. He does decent at watching his diet.....he LOVES his beer but hasn't touched one in over a year. I've tried to argue with him about the pill swallowing thing, but it's psychological. He thinks he is going to choke if he swallows a pill. His dcotors already know he chews them up, he told them. They told him not to, and that's about it.
We have discussed him seeing a doctor on the side, but we just couldn't afford the meds without the insurance. They have already asked him if he wants to go to the med board, and he has said NO! Yes, this is a disease that can get him discharged, even at a desk job, which he has. He is furtunate that his military doctor is very willing to work with him and keep him away from the med board as long as he can. Because if he goes to the board, he will get put out. If he gets put out with less than 30%, we are on our own with 4 kids, no insurance, and no job. (We know a lady who has had surgeries from CD that was only given 10%....he hasn't had any surgeries yet.)
Both his father and sister have CD, and both have had multiple surgeries and problems. I know it's just a matter of time before all this happens to him. But he only has 4 more years left in the military before he retires anyway, and he desperately wants to make it till then. I know it sounds silly to put a career before health, but this isn't just his career, it's his life....
Sorry, this turned into more of a rant!