Hi everyone-
I am Kim in Florida- 47 years old.
I was dx with Crohns May 25th. I LOVE my GI and she is connected to Univerity of Miami and I have already been to UM for a second. My GI is easily accessible, and answers all questions. My husband has had kidney caner (doing VERY WELL) so I know how to advocate and plan to be a team player in my treatment. I also know how to be a BULLDOG when it comes to Insurance.
A dx of RAF is pending, I also have a medical relationship with a rhuemie so I am covered there.
I am currently taking 20 MG of pred, tapered from orginal 40 mg pred, Bentyl, 3 x a day, Ascord HD 3 x a day. Vit D (2000 unite) Folic Acid, Caclium Citrate....I did go to the family doc for Ambien because I have had insomnia all my life, and new I was going sleep deprivation due to pred. Pain is gone, still 3 to 4 formed BMS a day.
My big question---
I have no hunger... (I usually react opposite to drugs). I am losing weight, rapidly, I am forcing 3 high protein but low residue meals a day. But my diet is consisting of
Almond Milk
If I try to eat anything else, I don't get pain, but naseau-- after two bites, I can tell it is not going to work.
Due to this lack of eating, severe fatigue--- I am doing what I have to do (teaching summer school) and coming home and sleeping.
I know I am type A-- and it bugs me that I am not on my A game.
I have lost 25 pounds... I do see my GI on Wednesday-- I saw her Thursday last week and she said to increase protein and she was concerned about my lack of appetite and the fact that I looked so pale.
On Pred in FLORIDA-- yes- be careful to stay hydrated, I experienced something just short of heat stroke Saturday. My husband is a paramedic and recognized what was happening.