I thought Movi-Prep was GREAT compared to what I used before! It wasn't bad at all! I have a vomit PHOBIA and had myself so worked up about the possibility of throwing up; as it turns out I got worked up over nothing and never felt sick at all.
I replaced the tap water with citrus flavored Vitamin Water (GI's suggestion) when mixing the prep and stuck it in the fridge that morning before I left for work. (For the first dose I used the orange citrus flavored Vitamin Water and for the second dose I used the Lemon/Lime). It was nice and cold by the time I started my prep at 7:00 that evening. To make it even colder I added ice cubes before I started drinking. Worked like a charm and didn't taste bad at all (it had a salty/sweet aftertaste but nothing overly offensive). I kept a glass of ice water by my side too and sipped that after each dose. The prep worked pretty quickly and the evacuation (for lack of a better word) was much less violent than my previous experience. Tip: keep alcohol-free wipes handy and "pat" dry instead of wiping with tp each time to keep from getting that sore, burny feeling. Even though I was running clear in no time, I tried to be a good patient and finish the second round of the split dose regimine at 3:00 a.m. I finished all but 8 oz. because my stomach felt so full. The best part about the Movi Prep was that it stopped working in time for me to leave the house for my appointment. My previous prep didn't, and boy was that a miserable experience!
If the taste lingering in your mouth grosses you out, lollipops definitely come in handy, or give your teeth/tongue a quick brush in between doses.
A laptop makes for great company while you're having quality time in the bathroom.
You'll be fine!!!!! I wish you luck!!