I work in a high stress job also - and for me it is a process of intent. I choose not to be upset with the sheer humanity that I either work with or encounter on a daily basis. Alll of life's events and our responses to those events are about
choices - including our emotions. I choose not to be a "right" fighter (my view is right and everyone else's is wrong). In a conflictual situation I'll mull over how I feel about
a situation and when I take a stand, its done very quiety and with confidence. Martin Luther King believed in taking a stand for righteousness - one doesn't have to enter into the wrong - you take a stand on a position and let others be exposed for who and what they are. If I make a mistake or say something inappropriate (mouth often runs away with me) then I am quick to acknowledge that, appolgize or somehow clean it up).
And planning vacations . . . .wonderful, beachy sand filled, swimming and warm vacations! And finding friends who let me vent . . .safe friends!
Hope you find what works for you!