Emtpynester 2010
Welcome to HW! You'll find alot of information here to help you and your son.
I really feel for what you are going through with your son. I too am an emptynester 2 kids 23 and 19. Children have mind of their own and unfortuantley sometimes they have to learn the hard way.
But, I have to agree with grumpygi...Your son (very unfortunatley) has an Auto-Immune Disease. There are no cures for this. As mean as it sounds with disease comes responsibility/education about the disease. Once you are educated you have the choice of being responsible or not. He is 25 years old and an adult. I have met young children with diabetes more responsible than young adults about their bodies.
Even me and my daughter...she had an eating disorder that I found out about at 17 years old...I had 10 days before she turned 18 to do anything about it. 10 days later the Dr.'s office mad it clear they could and would not discuss anything with me. Frustrating to me but, looking back I had to let go. I couldn't be their to remind her of ever visit and set her alarm clock.....she had to do it herself! I did make myself available for counseling but she herself had to come to terms with it.
In saying all of this...I'm sorry for you and your family. Crohns does rear it's ugly at the worst of times. Unfortunatley, for males when it comes on young seems to be the worst. STRESS has so much to do with it and FATIGUE.
I will make a few suggestions that would just be good for you to know. Your son needs stay in one place and build a relationship with a GI, a regular MD and eventually more than likely a Rhuemy. It is just as frustrating to Dr.'s NOT to have a relationship with their patients then prescribing medicine they are not sure they're even taking!! Drinking and not taking good care of himself will make it worse. He should keep a diary of what he eats and effects that the food has on him. Every Crohnie has different food that works. Also, having a clean colonsocpy in the large intestines doesn't mean that his small intestines couldn't be infected. I know you mentioned he had med's that were old that he could take. I know I've kept some of my older prescriptions for that reason too because they are expensive. Well, my GI told me that the medicine in it wouldn't not be active after a few months on a shelf... just so you know.
Best of Luck to you and your son...mention this website to him. When I was first diagnosed it took me a year of just reading this website before I actually wrote something. It was difficult to accept.
He'll come around!