first off, heellllo strangers! it's been awhile! i haven't forgotten about the wonderful people on this forum. in fact, for anyone i know that ends up with a disease or chronic illness, i recommend they checking out healingwell for amazing support :)
i am SO confused! i have been in remission since december 2009, i was taken off 6-mp in march because my intestines looked great, i was feeling great, all was well. well now, the past 2 weeks i am having stabbing pains in my upper abdomen & right side! now, i am not nearly running to the bathroom as much as i was before. in fact, pretty normal bm's with occasional 3-4 times per week attack. now, i wanted to come off 6mp badly due to my immune system not fighting off anything. and yes, i was only on it for 2 1/2 years and my gi said we can try it but if you don't take it long enough, crohn's can come back fairly quickly. i also have been having massive pain in my si joints along with my shoulders. occasional pains in wrists, knees, ankles ...WTH? i have never been so achy in my life :( my si joints throb with pain, you can feel like, pulsation & burning. can a flare bring new symptoms? is there something else wrong with me? i am so confused :(... i also have angular cheilitis that i can't get rid of, even on 10 days worth of famciclovir. my lips keep swelling, cracking, blistering and of course, the corners of my mouth are cracked. can this somehow be all related? they want to do a patch test on my because my derm seems to think it's an allergies reaction.
any help, in sight, really, really, REALLY appreciated! i hope you are all doing well!!