Cyborg: Don't know how fragile your living conditions are (homeless but living with parents is different than on the streets or homeless shelters) but hospitals have pretty effecient social workers who can get you hooked up into state resources pretty quickly. Probably much faster than if you just call the state and attempt to access resources through a state web site or through phone tag or any other wonderfully painful state run facility. You can call a hospital and access assistance through the social work department and they can direct you from there. Teaching facilities sponsoring medical education often have discounted, sliding scale clinics that offer medical assistance. Its a bit hard to find speciality knowledge there -they do better with urgent run of the mill care.
Any social worker should be able to direct you on how to get emergent or subsidized care such that you can receive some types of medical benefits. Hopefully your parents can assist you in this process. If you can't find adequate medical care and continue to have access - seeking stable medical care by showing up on a ER's doorstep is also one way of gaining entry into the medical system. Not one that I recommend (or if you do -choose your time and facility wisely). Most drunk driving accidents and other time consuming trauma is over by the very early wee hours of the moring - say 5 am ish. Go before bumper car season starts (aka rush hour). The ER staff should listen to you and if they don't, then express concern over your ability to continue to survive without treatment, express your dispair and let them know how despondant you have become over your life and be generous with the pain scale (if your pain is at a 10 then state that and hold fast). Its not a great method - but am sure it is very real - and treating facilities will pay attention. Hope these things all help . . . take care, Barb