Re-homing at 12 years of age for many, if not most, dogs is NOT an answer. At that age re-homing can be way too much of an adjustment even for the most outgoing and friendly of dogs.
Most Akitas would not be candidates for rehoming at 12 years of age due to the breed's tendencies to be very loyal to their family, and I would think that the intensely close relationship SickOfItAll and her 12 year old Akita have had would add to the unlikelihood of a successful re-homing.
Is there any thing that can be done about
the neighbor's noise? Are they excessively noisy where it is a problem for any other neighbors? Are they tenants of long standing? How long have you been here as oppposed to how long they have been there? Can noise complaints be filed and action taken by a landlord, the city, township or county?
It wouldn't do any harm to have her thyroid checked. Its been years since I was well-informed about the breed but at one time the breed did tend to have some thyroid problems and her thyroid may not be holding up as well as some. Obviously, at her advanced age any thyroid problem would be more likely due to age than a hereditary thyroid problem. Human thyroids often go to heck in a handbasket as we age. Why not a dog's?