I went from 205 to 158 in the last 6 to 8 months by sticking to the Specific Carbohydrate Diet. This is a diet designed to help us Crohnies.
You can gain or lose weight on this diet. I said to myself, if I have to be very strict with what I eat I might as well choose lower calorie options.
Some people think I have a hollow leg with the amount of food I eat. This is a typical day for me
Homemade yogurt with cooked and frozen apples with cinnamon
Chicken cacciatore
Soup, maybe a cheese and pickle course, chicken curry, and more yogurt and fruit.
The food is super healthy and tastes great. But there is no sugar, potatoes, rice, grain and lots of other stuff.
You really have to want to do this to be successful. For example, For Christmas dinner I usually have turkey, gravy, mashed potatoes, sweet potato casserole, cranberry sauce, pies, cookies…. This year I had squash fries, turkey and homemade cranberry dressing. When I took the family out for Italian to our favorite restaurant, I ate before we left and just had water and lemon.
For me, SCD is super healthy, took me to the weight I wanted, great tasting food, I think is making my guts feel between good and great, is a pain sometimes to stick with it but if things keep going as they are now, something I will do forever (or at least until a cure is found for this DD). This might be an option for your consideration