i have pain so bad it makes me puke...it's pretty constant on a scale of about 4 or so all day but when i have to poop and am sitting on the can it jumps to a 9 or 10...and i say 9 or 10 because i've had 6-8 kidney stones and they were a joke compared to this pain. like i said it's so intense i puke and i feel like i'm going to pass out. i was doing GREAT for a few weeks and then all of a sudden- bam! back to the bs...i was terrified i was going to run out of percs but made them last til my appt with the pain doc yesterday! phew!!
i try so had not to feel sorry for myself but i'm losing it. i'm a pretty tough guy and have built up a fairly high tolerance to pain over the years but this brings me to my knees. scopes have shown no strictures, but i'm thinking there's one hidden somewhere if that's possible. pain seems to be central below my belly button.
at home is bad enough, but at puking and trying not to cry out on the can in the bathroom is horrifying. luckily i've been very lucky with my timing at work. man this disease sucks.
hope you find some pain meds that work...the percs for me are ok- not perfect by any means, but i'm kind of scared to try something different in case whatever that might be would not work as well. maybe it's time to try...
hope you all have a great long weekend!