For the past one month, I've been experiencing my first Crohn's flare (first diagnosed two years ago). I experience 2-3 BM's per day and a feeling of unfinished bowel movement. My GI first increased my dosage of Lialda (3.6 to 4.8 gms), then after a week into my flare, he prescribed Canasa-first once a day and then twice. Last week, after seeing no results, he put me on 40 mg of Prednisone a day. However, the BM's haven't stopped even after being on Prednisone for nearly a week. What comes next in medications to control the BM? Imuran, Remicade, 6-MP..?
My blood tests which were done last week all came normal with the ESR and C-Reactive Protein, although showing some inflammation, being within the normal range.
My GI has scheduled a colonoscopy for me next week. My Crohn's is so far limited only to my colon.